Brian Tyler - Rambo (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - [B.O/OST]

B.O/OST 30-09-2019, 11:58

r@[email protected]

Brian Tyler - Rambo (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Label Lakeshore Records
Nombre de pistes 23
Genre OST

01. Brian Tyler - Rambo: Last Blood (2:56)
02. Brian Tyler - The Ranch (3:12)
03. Brian Tyler - Dusk (2:36)
04. Brian Tyler - Unmistakable (3:17)
05. Brian Tyler - Sorrow (2:08)
06. Brian Tyler - Vengeance Eternal (2:31)
07. Brian Tyler - Homeward Bound (3:21)
08. Brian Tyler - Fatalism (3:11)
09. Brian Tyler - Destination (3:36)
10. Brian Tyler - John and Gabrielle (5:02)
11. Brian Tyler - Rescue at Night (4:26)
12. Brian Tyler - Concussed (3:27)
13. Brian Tyler - Blood and Fire (4:03)
14. Brian Tyler - Outnumbered (6:15)
15. Brian Tyler - Love Unconditional (3:13)
16. Brian Tyler - U-Turn (2:35)
17. Brian Tyler - Because of You (3:50)
18. Brian Tyler - They Will Come Back (2:03)
19. Brian Tyler - We Will Find Him (5:18)
20. Brian Tyler - The Tunnels (1:02)
21. Brian Tyler - Higher Aspirations (1:41)
22. Brian Tyler - Preparing for War (3:01)
23. Brian Tyler - Sunset (2:30)

Informations sur l'upload
Taille172 Mo

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